About four months back my friend Marlena made a joke about a goat cult, at the time we had no idea what it would become. Aqua Goat as it has been named after its newletter/zine. Marlena has become staggeringly popular in these parts, but you also get the occasional "what, a goat cult? thats stupid." Let me tell you, those people you know what they are, they are right. but its also too damn fun to stop! We in thee cult find that laughter is the root to all evil so we have decided to laugh our asses off. Because, as none of you actually know, we are planning on taking over the u.s. government and turning it into an anarcho-syndicalist commune. Where we all take turns to act as a sort of executive officer of the week, and all decisions of that officer have to be decided at a bi-weekly meeting, and are only ratified by a strict 2/3 vote from the masses. So you see, we do have a worthy cause to fight for so hey give us a try eh? Whats the harm in trying something new, i mean if your scared you can bring your teddy bear or a pacifier. But, if your too much of a pansy and can't stomach a few burning at the steak activities, which by the way are performed on insolent members, or stupid pledges to the group, than well thats alright your allowed to hide your eyes we understand. So please consider the enjoyment of cult activities to be part of your life, i have, and now i'm a changed man. Instead of pissin' in the john i go out to a nice bush! It refreshes my "goatesque" side of life. It's alot of fun! If you would like to join send me an e-mail at punk_rock90@yahoo.com and i'll get you signed up!!!